Mission Statement
The mission of York University is to transform lives through Christ-centered education and to equip students for lifelong service to God, family and society.
"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." Philippians 4:8
Our Values
York University exists to support God’s transformational work in the lives of people. Curricular and co-curricular programs and experiences intend to lead the entire community to a positive expression of spiritual values.
Service is the means by which people of God live out their faith. Christ calls us to lives of service expressed by faith, both locally and globally, as we respond to opportunities and to the needs of others.
A rapidly changing professional, social, and technological environment dictates that each student is encouraged to apply critical thinking and knowledge integration skills, and to evaluate changing circumstances in the context of faith.
Academic discovery is a God-honoring endeavor characterized by the pursuit of truth and inquiry within the context of intellectual disciplines. The responsible handling of academic freedom provides Christian scholars opportunities to explore both a diverse world and their faith.

Our Priorities:
The institutional priorities of York University focus on seven key areas:
- Student Success
- Community Engagement and New Opportunities
- Diversity and Belonging
- Faith Development
- Institutional Effectiveness
- Campus Improvements
- Employee Experience