Quick Facts

There’s a lot to know about York University and what we offer to you as a student. The facts below give a glimpse of who we are in facts and figures. We invite you to visit our campus to get know us in person. 

The Basics

  • Institution: Private, Liberal Arts
  • Year founded: 1890
  • Location: York, Nebraska
  • School colors: Blue and White

Academic Programs


  • Full-time faculty: 27
  • Part-time faculty: 34 
  • Tenure/tenure-track faculty holding terminal degrees: 55%
  • Student-faculty ratio: 12:1

Annual Cost

Student Body

  • Number of undergraduate students: 425
  • Number of graduate students: 175
  • Percentage of female to male students: 50% female, 50% male
  • Diversity
  • Number of countries represented: 35
  • Number of states represented: 20

Spiritual Life

  • Spiritual life credits per semester: 60 (undergraduate, full-time students)
  • Daily Gatherings: 5 days a week

Student Life

