Spiritual Life
At York University, spiritual growth is a part of our mission to transform lives. It is our prayer that you encounter Jesus all across campus, in the classroom and in the residence halls. York Campus Ministries offers several opportunities to fellowship and grow in your faith.
The focus of York Campus Ministries is to help you connect with the Father, Son, and Spirit, as well as with fellow believers.
We will encourage you to connect with spiritual life on campus with The Well, evening
devotionals, Bible courses, and frequent Bible studies all over campus. Local churches
are eager for you to get involved, too!
Whether you are looking to grow in your faith or find your faith, York University is the place for you. Are you interested in ministry and missions opportunities as
a student? You can join the York Campus Ministries staff during the school year, or
participate in summer, winter, and spring break missions. You can travel to do foreign
and domestic missions, or reach out in the mission field of York, Nebraska.
Engage your faith in an atmosphere where spiritual seeking is encouraged and where
the Spirit leads us to dear relationships. We invite you to get connected at YU!

York Campus Ministries
The mission of Campus Ministry at York University is to draw students closer to Jesus
Christ by offering opportunities to grow in their faith.
The York Campus Ministry team is led by Sean Algaier, campus minister. Algaier leads
a team of student volunteers who work together to impact students in the dorms, in
The Well, in classrooms, and on the playing field. York Campus Ministry is organized
to encourage ministry on a student-to-student basis. Not only are students learning
more about a relationship with Christ, they are also learning about ministry.
Campus ministries hosts devotionals every Wednesday at 9 p.m in the Prayer Chapel. All students are invited to take part in the worship and Bible study offerings on campus, or to connect with campus ministry staff if they have questions or just need someone to talk to.
Listen Online
Every weekday, the community of York University gathers together at The Well. Speakers address a variety of topics including Christianity, relationships, life skills, and more. Listen to the speakers from our daily gatherings online. Subscribe to our York University at The Well podcast. We publish new podcasts each week during the fall and spring semesters.