Academic Policies

Academic Policies

More detailed information with regard to Academic Policies may be found in the Student Handbook and current Academic Catalog


Academic Calendar

August 12, 2024 - Fall Workshop
August 21, 2024 - Fall Semester Begins
August 27, 2024 - Add/Drop Ends
August 26, 2024 - Fall A (Online) Begins
September 2, 2024 - Labor Day (No Classes)
October 11, 2024 - Mid Term Grades Due
October 19, 2024 - Fall A (Online) Ends
October 21, 2024 - Fall B (Online) Begins
November 25-29, 2024 - Thanksgiving Break
December 11, 2024: Fall Semester Ends
December 12, 2024 - Winter Commencement
December 13, 2024 - Final Grades Due
December 14, 2024 - Fall B (Online) Ends

January 6, 2025 - Spring Semester Begins
January 6, 2025 - Spring A (Online) Begins
January 10, 2025 - Add/Drop Ends
January 20, 2025 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No Classes)
March 3, 2025 - Spring A (Online) Ends
March 3, 2025 - Spring B (Online) Begins
Feb. 28, 2025 Mid Term Grades Due
March 3-7, 2025 - Spring Break
April 25 - Spring Semester Ends
April 26, 2025 - Spring B (Online) Ends
April 26, 2025 - Spring Commencement
April 28, 2025 - Faculty Workshop
April 30, 2025 - Final Grades Due


Class Attendance

York University believes that regular class attendance is essential to learning. We do understand that there might be necessary absences; however you cannot be absent from any class more than three weeks in a semester. Absences in excess of this amount constitute failure and withdrawal of the student from the course.

Punctuality in all classes is required.

The Academic Council may recommend that a student be dismissed from college if he/she fails to function as a serious student.


Academic Honor Code

York University is committed to academic integrity. Academic integrity is essential to the success of the University's educational and transformational missions, and violations of academic integrity constitute serious offenses against the entire collegiate community. This academic integrity policy and Honor Code is designed to guide students as they prepare assignments, take examinations, and perform the work necessary to complete their degree requirements.

Academic Standing

The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) is computed by dividing the total honor points earned by the total semester hours attempted, including F grades, but not including I, NC, S, or W grades. A CGPA of at least 2.00 is required for graduation in any degree program. To be eligible to participate in co-curricular activities and to avoid being placed on academic probation, students must meet the minimum standards for satisfactory academic progress.

Any student who does not meet these minimum standards will be placed on academic probation and will be limited to no more than a normal course load (15 hours). A student who is on academic probation is not permitted to participate in any co-curricular activity, such as athletics, music groups, Songfest, drama productions, and student publications nor will he/she be allowed to hold an office in any club or student organization. At the completion of the next semester, every student on academic probation will be reviewed. One of the following three actions will be taken:

The Provost will remove the student from academic probation if the student now meets the standards of satisfactory academic progress.

Students who have:
  • completed at least 12 hours during the semester,
  • but have not yet completed 60 hours, and
  • have not yet reached the required cumulative GPA but have made at least the required GPA for the current term; will be continued on academic probation. (For example: a student with 45 cumulative semester hours at the end of the semester would need to have completed at least 12 hours during the term with a term GPA of at least 1.80.)

Any student on academic probation, who does not satisfy either condition above, will be placed on academic suspension. Academic suspension means that the student may not enroll for the subsequent fall or spring semester, and may lose eligibility for federal financial aid. Any student on academic suspension who wishes to re-enroll at York University may do so if one of the following criteria has been met:
  • Not having been enrolled at York University for at least one subsequent fall or spring semester, the student may then petition the provost to be re-admitted on academic probation.
  • A student may request an exception to an academic suspension by writing a letter to the provost explaining all extenuating circumstances and requesting an exception to the above-stated rules. The provost will present the letter to an appeals committee that will be responsible for approval or disapproval of the student's request. Any student reinstated under this process will be readmitted on academic probation and must limit their academic load to no more than 15 hours. They may also be ineligible for any federal financial aid.
  • A full-time student suspended at the end of the spring semester may elect to attend the summer session of York University on continued probation. If the student enrolls for at least 6 hours, and achieves the required CGPA at the end of the summer session, the student would be eligible for full-time enrollment on continued academic probation for the fall semester. If those conditions are not met, the academic suspension would continue until the spring semester, at which time the student may petition the provost to be re-admitted on academic probation.
Additionally, any student whose term GPA is 0.500 or lower will be placed on academic suspension from the College. Any student in this situation is ineligible to enroll for the following semester and must petition the provost for re-admittance after that semester of ineligibility.

Academic Withdrawal

Students deciding to withdraw from the university should initiate this process with the vice president for enrollment, Mrs. Roni Miller, at Refunds of tuition and fees are listed here and in the academic catalog.