YU receives a challenge gift earmarked for scholarships


York University’s True Blue Challenge has been launched! Interim President Jared Stark announced that a group of donors wishing to remain anonymous has issued a $500,000 challenge to YU alumni and friends. The challenge has been tagged “True Blue” to reflect the school’s longtime color along with the affection many alumni and friends feel for York.


“When you give to the True Blue Challenge, you're giving the most important gift a student could have a chance to be here,” said Stark. “Simply put, without your gift, many students wouldn't have the chance to be here. I know from my many years here, that being at York University changes hearts and minds for Jesus. For those who come knowing Jesus, their faith is strengthened. For those raised never hearing about Jesus, they meet Him in a powerful way. Your gifts make all that possible.”


To qualify for the full $500,000, York University must receive qualifying gifts designated for student scholarships equal to the challenge total before the June 30, 2025 deadline. Donations will be matched dollar for dollar during the next ten months, resulting in a million-dollar impact for YU students.


Chairman of the YU Board of Trustees, Dr. R. Wayne White, said, “I am grateful for the opportunities this donation creates for students who want to attend York University. Our investment now can have a life-long impact on students. Ultimately, it is a message of hope in an era when people desperately need reassurance, compassion, and truth.” 


Scholarships make up the largest single part of the annual budget for York University. They also are one of the most important factors as students make decisions about whether or not to attend York. With an average scholarship award of more than $14,000, the True Blue Challenge has the capacity to touch and change the lives of 70 students.


The True Blue Challenge – how does it work?

  • A group of anonymous donors will match every gift designated for scholarships, dollar for dollar up to $500,000!
  • While most donations will be earmarked for the York University Scholarship Fund, donors may also designate their gift for Second Chance Scholarships, a fund that benefits YU students at the Nebraska Correctional Center for Women.
  • Need more information? Call the York University Advancement Office at 402-363-5664.

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