York University Presidential Search

The York University Board of Trustees has announced the start of a national search for the university's 22nd president.

York University offers degrees in eleven academic departments, offering twenty-five different undergraduate majors, along with graduate programs in education, organizational leadership, and healthcare administration. Current enrollment is at an all-time high, with a student body which is one of the most diverse in the Midwest. York on-campus students, this past year, came from thirty-three different states and twenty-one different countries.

Search Announcement

Candidate Profile:

Job Description

Application Form

Search Process and Timeline

July 1-September 30 

  • Active promotion to surface potential candidates 
  • Search committee review of applicants 
  • Initial applicant interviews 

September 30 – Application deadline 

October 8 – Search committee recommendations to the Board for second-round interviews October 7-11 – Appointments set for second-round interviews 

October 14-25 – In-depth interviews with candidates 

October 31 – Short list of candidates approved 

November 11-30 – Campus visits by finalists 

December 5 – Final selection made; offer structured 

This is an aggressive calendar, we realize, but it reflects the board’s desire to maintain momentum in the search and to have the new president on campus early in the first quarter of 2025.


Presidential Search Committee

At its April 2024 meeting, the YU Board of Trustees appointed five of its members to anchor the presidential  search committee. The committee also has two members drawn from the faculty. Members of the committee are: 

  • Dr. Mike Armour, chair 
  • Dr. Erin DeHart (faculty rep) 
  • Dr. Bryan Kretz (faculty rep) 
  • Marilyn S. Locus, Esq. 
  • Ben Smail 
  • Dr. Charles Stephenson 
  • Dr. Kimberly Williams


Presidential Search News

APR 12, 2024 - President Sam Smith announced that he has accepted a new position as president of Mount Dora Christian Academy and Children's Home effective July 1st, 2024.

JULY 1, 2024 - Stark steps in as interim president. 
JULY 9, 2024 - Presidential search documents shared publicly.